The Trinity
“God eternally exists as three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and each person is fully God, and there is one God ” – Definition by Wayne Grudem. Even though the bible never states the word Trinity, we see from scripture overwhelming evidence of a triune God. It is often easy for us to miss the importance of this in our everyday life. Realizing that God is 3 persons yet still one God is an amazing truth that can radically change the way we live and pray. I do not plan to explain the trinity but simple put it out there as truth and pray that we all may seek God in honesty and truth. Please pardon me for lack of explanation or reference as this cannot be contained into 5 simple blogs. Yet the daily joy it brings to even glimpse the Triune God as He is overwhelms and challenges me and I hope to share a part of that.
God the Father
The Father is a member of the Trinity and is fully God. Gen 1:1&3 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…And God said,… ” We see in the opening of the bible the evidence of the Father, in creation by speaking and ordering the creation of the World. John 6:38&40 “For I (Jesus the Son) have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent me…For this is the will of my Father,… “. We here bridge the connection of Father and Son, God who sent the Son and the Son doing the will of the Father, mind you both the One God.
God the Son
The Son is a member of the Trinity and is fully God. Heb 1:2 “…He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world ” We now see that Jesus the Son was involved during creation, we see here clearly the Son ‘s involvement during creation. The son is fully God “Col 2:9 “In him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily ” this destroys any false teaching that Jesus was only a man who God brought into heaven. Scripture shows and reveals the truth of Jesus Christ, that He is God and this is a amazing truth since Jesus Christ humbled himself to our condition enduring all that we endure and being faithful even to death on the cross.
God the Spirit
The Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity and is fully God. Gen 1:2 “…And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters “. I ‘ve read the opening of Genesis many times and never caught this connection of the presence of the Trinity even in the beginning. This only confirms the eternality of all members of the Trinity as God. We also see in the new testament Jesus in Acts 1:5 “…you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit… ” The trinity of God paints a wonderful and beautiful picture of the most supreme being. A picture we cannot fully understand but just stand in awe of.
Gen 1:26 “Then God said, Let us make man in our image… ” It is a beautiful thing to look at the 3 members of the trinity and read the verses and see the seamless interaction of the 3 members at creation, during salvation and caring out the will of God each in their own way. Although we may not understand it all it is clear that God as the Trinity is telling a wonderful story about His glory. It amazes me even more to know that if we accept and trust in Jesus Christ that we are adopted into His family, into the family of God. We don ‘t think on that as we should, that the human race which rebelled against God has been given a chance to join in communion with God as adopted sons and daughters, and that is a huge deal!