Glory of God
“God’s glory is the created brightness that surrounds God’s revelation of himself” – Wayne Grudem. Also described as the visible manifestation of the excellence of God’s character. Now while in day-to-day life we may not all experience this heaven meets each encounter with God, we can see His glory around us. We only need to look at God’s revelation, which does surround us in His own creation. And those who trust and follow Jesus Christ will view His fully glory in heaven (Rev 21:23)
But even now we should seek to be people that reflect His Glory “…being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another…” (2 Cor 3:18). This same idea also repeated in Matt 5:16 & Phil 2:15. Clearly showing that we reflect the Glory of God, maybe not in a visible light but in great splendor by how we serve and love our God.